Summer Safety
We’re in the dog days of summer, making it the perfect time for some reminders on how
to keep your pup safe during the warmer months. Travel, increased temperatures, and
more time outside can all pose potential risks to your pup. Make sure you’re prepared
for a day in the yard or a big summer road trip by reviewing our summer safety
Apply Preventatives
Although holistic parasite preventatives should be administered to your dog year round,
summer is often the peak time for bugs such as mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks. These
nasty critters irritate your dog in a variety of ways, but they also carry a variety of
diseases including heartworm and Lyme. Skin irritation from fleas can also lead to hot
spots, allergic reactions, and secondary skin infections due to constant itching.
Provide Plenty of Clean Fresh Water
Summer is often hot, sticky, and humid. We also spend a lot more of our time outside
during the summer months, and easily often lose track of just how long we’ve been
adventuring or enjoying the beautiful weather. Access to clean, fresh water is extremely
important during the summer months to prevent dehydration and help your dog cool off.
Be Aware of Outdoor Hazards
As you spend more time outside, it is crucial that you are aware of the potential dangers
in your yard or any other locations you may be exploring. Toxic plants, fertilizers,
pesticides, poisons, sharp objects, bonfires, and any dangerous human food left in
reach are just a few of the many hazards that may be present in your dog’s space.
Every week or so do a sweep of your yard, and make sure to supervise your dog when
outside for extended periods of time.
Avoid Exposure to Hot Sand and Pavement
Surfaces left outside in the sun can get hot very quickly. Hot sand and pavement are a
danger to your pup’s paws, which can quickly burn causing a great deal of pain. Even
when the air is not incredibly warm, ground surfaces can be a hazard. Try to arrange
your schedule so walks are kept to mornings and evenings when the sun isn’t high, and
always test the temperature of the ground with the backside of your hand before taking
your dog outside.
Know the Signs of Heat Stroke
Dog’s don’t sweat like humans, so panting and drinking water are the only ways your
pup can regulate their body temperature in warm weather. Heat stroke is one of the
biggest summer risks for dogs, whose normal body temperature is between 101 and
102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Heavy panting, excessive drooling, vomiting, diarrhea,

lethargy, dry or bright red gums, and trouble walking can all be signs that your dog is in
serious distress and might be suffering from heat stroke. Quickly get your dog out of the
heat, make your way to the vet immediately, and cover them with damp towels focusing
on their groin area to help bring down their body temperature.
Consider Purchasing a Life Jacket
Many dogs love to swim; it’s often one of the things they most look forward to each
summer. There’s no better way to spend a summer afternoon then chucking a ball into
the water for your dog to retrieve. But, many pet owners don’t realize how dangerous
lakes and oceans can be for even the best swimmers. One common issue with dogs
like Labradors and Goldens is they love to swim so much that they don’t know when to
stop, and can often swim to the point of exhaustion(which would be deadly if they’re in
deep water at that point). Life jackets give you added security, visibility to boats, and
peace of mind when enjoying the water with your four-legged friend.
Know Your Local Emergency Vet
Accidents happen, and there’s nothing more important than being prepared when those
accidents do happen. Especially during the summer months when you might take trips
out of town or out of state with your dog, it’s crucial to know where your closest
emergency vet is and have their contact information on hand. If you are traveling
without your dog, make sure your dog sitter knows what vet to take your dog to, has
your vet and emergency vet’s contact info, and that they have a signed consent form
from you stating they have authority to administer treatment.

Summer is a fun, exciting, and often relaxing time for both people and pets. Take
advantage of the extra time you have to spend with your family, and be sure to practice
common sense when including your dog in activities. Most importantly, soak up every
minute of sunshine and dog kisses you have, and take loads of pictures to capture your
family's memories.

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